

Your decisions will not change the world, but your world will! Take care of your body and your mind, eat, exercise, read, study, feed on wisdom and good food ... Make there a homeostasis between your body and your mind. Enjoy it and when you start enjoying it, you will not need anything else to be happy because for the simple fact of feeling good about yourself, you will not need anything else to feel complete. I nurture in a healthy way all my daily habits. This is "Self-Care".

Dichotomy of Control

Have you heard of the "Dichotomy of Control"? It is a philosophical term that expresses the two parts of the control of the human being, on the one hand what can be controlled and on the other what we cannot do anything about. People have a tendency to focus on what they can't do anything about, just complaining about it and poisoning themselves with negative messages, leaving aside and not thinking about everything that they CAN do, that they can achieve and that out of laziness and lack of enthusiasm for life, he cannot see. Focus on what you can, not what you cannot achieve, get profitability in your time ... which is another. 🙂

Uncertainty & Negativity - Deal with it like a Pro!!

Please note I don't intend to demotivate or spread negativity with this post but want to let other people fight with these ,similar to how i do! Never say 'That won't happen to me' As life has a funny way of proving us wrong! starting with this all we can say is there is a continuous Uncertainty which revolves around everyone's life, uncertainty doesn't sees Rich nor Poor. Nobody can eliminate the uncertainties from their lives. It may sound very negative but that's how it is. I have been trying to cope up with the negativeness inside me, my family my friends force me to be positive all the time(which is obviously correct at their part), however whenever i start anything new i always keep it in my mind that i will never let any kind of negativity get inside me, but the very next moment my mind always tend to think the negative things about what i am trying to start in a strange way!! I don't have control over it at all! Hence! I don't think too

Life goals - Past, Present & Future

We always think that our past was good than our present. Wherever we go whatever we do we always love the days which are passed!! Isn’t it? That’s true but let me tell you life is now it’s very much in present, what we are doing now is going to be past by every passing second. I never say don’t live in past. I am myself inclined towards the things which I have done in past, all the good and bad things because definitely I have risked every moment to survive and to become what I am today..!!!! I have been the kind of person who lived on the good moments I spent in the past!!! But it was very soon I realised live in the past but for the good things you have done and learn from the bad things. The access points of growth is in taking risks which are in the present. Taking risks in whatever we do is totally “To each his own”, there are times when people tell you to take risks in life but you might not be ready to take that risk as you might be either frightened or not in a position to


Utopia Google " Utopia " and the answer is : We all crave to be in a world which is Utopia/The World where everything is perfect but does a real world where everything is perfect exists? The answer is no or yes, Lets find out! We come across many people in our lives, they are related to us directly or indirectly. Every individual in this world is known for only one thing which is "what they do" or "what work they are into" to cut long story short any individual is known by their "work". What we do is closely related to the Utopia that we are talking about, how? If we love what we work our life will be progressing one step towards Utopia, however this is just one part of the story. Apart from work we also live in a Social environment where there are communities to which we belong, it may be our family it may be our relatives or people whom we know and communicate with daily. Situation of every individual is not the same. Every individual


सुकून  " ज़िन्दगी  के कुछ बीते पल जिनकी यादें धुंदली सी हैं, मैंने  जब आइना देखा तो समझ आया आँखें  कुछ भीगी सी है  " मेरे लिए सुकून है अपनों के साथ बातें करना ,अपनों के साथ अच्छे पल बिताना। काम मेरे लिए सिर्फ रूपया कमाने का जरिया है, मुझे अपने काम से बेशक ख़ुशी मिलती है पर मुझे किसी से प्रतिद्वंद्विता नहीं है बल्कि मेरा प्रतिध्वंद्वी  मैं खुद हूँ. मैं जो कल था उससे बेहतर आज करने की कोशिश करना मेरा काम है। आज के लिए जीना मैंने बहुत जल्दी सीख लिया है दरअसल आज जीने मैं जो मज़ा है वह किसी बात मैं नहीं। कल की चिंता हर किसी को ज़ेहन मैं होती है उसका होना स्वाभाविक है, पर जिसने कल देखा ही नहीं उसके लिए आज खुल के जीना एक अद्भुत अनुभव से कम नहीं हो सकता। अपने कर्त्तव्य से साथ साथ जो दिल मैं आये करें उसी मैं ख़ुशी छुपी होती है। अपनी ज़िन्दगी के हर मोड़ पर साथियों का योगदान अपार रहा है, फिर भी मैं सबसे ज़्यादा भगवान का शुक्रगुज़ार हूँ की उन्होंने मुझपर हमेशा कृपा बनाये रखी और  हर पल मुझे यह याद दिलाते रहे की आसानी से कुछ मुकाम हासिल करने मैं वह मज़ा नहीं जो मेहनत से करने मैं हैं।


माँ  Dec - 2017 Its been almost 2 and half years since I haven't heard your voice. I still remember the day 24th Dec 2017 the time was 10:30 AM, I cannot forget that cold winter morning. Its been so hard for me for the last 2 and half years to live without you. You left this world in my arms. I couldn't do anything. I wish i could rewind that one moment of the time and try to bring you back, i know i cannot but with this feeling that pierce my heart every time i go back in time to imagine that day, i miss you more and more. I know wherever you are you will always shine in people's life.  Oct - 2017 Before thinking about this day I always recollect the Diwali which we all celebrated together. It felt so perfect at that point in time and i can do anything to get back to that very moment where we were together clicking pictures on Diwali evening. Who knew after a week from when we were celebrating the festival together with happiness there will be so much pain in our l