
Utopia Google " Utopia " and the answer is : We all crave to be in a world which is Utopia/The World where everything is perfect but does a real world where everything is perfect exists? The answer is no or yes, Lets find out! We come across many people in our lives, they are related to us directly or indirectly. Every individual in this world is known for only one thing which is "what they do" or "what work they are into" to cut long story short any individual is known by their "work". What we do is closely related to the Utopia that we are talking about, how? If we love what we work our life will be progressing one step towards Utopia, however this is just one part of the story. Apart from work we also live in a Social environment where there are communities to which we belong, it may be our family it may be our relatives or people whom we know and communicate with daily. Situation of every individual is not the same. Every individual...